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Dewan Shahriar Hossain Pavel
Designation: Research Programmer

Organization: BRAC University
URL of Organization: www.bracuniversity.net

Profile: Bangladesh Component of the PAN Localization Project
Area(s) of Interest:

Algorithm, Natural Language Processing, Lexicon & Corpus Analysis, Open Source project Localization

Language(s) of Interest: Bangla & English
email: pavel@bracuniversity.net
Telephone: +880-2-9881265, Ex-421
Postal Address:

Research Institute, CSE Department, BRAC University, 66, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh



Adam Pease
Designation: Computer Software Consultant


Adam Pease is CEO of Articulate Software. Prior to founding Articulate Software he was Program Manager and Director of Knowledge Systems at Teknowledge, where he led research in ontology, linguistics and formal inference, including development of the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) the Controlled English to Logic Translation (CELT) system, the Core Plan Representation (CPR), and the Sigma knowledge engineering environment.

email: adampease@earthlink.net
Telephone: +707 965 0110
Postal Address:

420 College Ave, Angwin, CA 94508 USA



Phonpassit Phissamay
Designation: Government Officer
email: phonpasit@stea.gov.la
Telephone: +856-20-2212202
Postal Address:

Science Technology and Environment Agency (STEA) P.O. Box 2279 Vientiane, Lao PDR



Paras Pradhan
Designation: Senior Linux Developer

Organization: Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya
URL of Organization: http://www.mpp.org.np


Computer Science and Engineering gradute working as a Senior Linux Developer for Localization for OSS as: Linux distribution, OpenOffice.org, Mozilla, Gnome, Locales and others.

Area(s) of Interest:

Linux Customization, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Software Engineering

Language(s) of Interest: Nepali
email: paras@mpp.org.np
Telephone: 97715521393
Postal Address:

Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya, Lalitpur, Nepal



Subir Bahadur Pradhanang
Designation: Linux Developer

Organization: Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya
URL of Organization: http://www.mpp.org.np
Language(s) of Interest: Nepali
email: subir@mpp.org.np
Telephone: 977-1-5521393
Postal Address:

Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya, PO Box 42, Patandhoka, Lalitpur, Nepal

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